
My name is Tina Roth Eisenberg. I am a 'swiss designer gone NYC'. swissmiss is my visual archive of things that 'make me look'. I am a graphic designer and run my own studio in Brooklyn. Contact me if you would like to team up, have a link suggestion or just want to say hello: submissions {at} swiss-miss.com.


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Jody Rodgers

Nice clean site. I believe he has stated he will be getting the dog from a shelter or rescue.


And Malia is allergic so they need a hypoallergenic dog too!

joanna goddard



Cute. And Jody is right; Michelle Obama has announced that the family's first dog will be a rescue:


And rescues can be purebreds too! ...so purebred fans can rescue dogs as well.

Michael Surtees

i voted purebred

Bryan Kulba

I'm kind of tired of these designer micro-sites that get you to vote for something or send a little note to Adobe or make a funny "Walt Mosberg says."

At first, they were novel and clever but as the concept gets played out and more often than not, adsense gets dropped in, I just get worn out. It seems like we're quick to pick up trends, but dwell on them and just beat them to the ground until they lose any power.

Anyways, I hope the blogs that link to these get a bit of a kickback from the adsense!!! ;)


very nice blog i wish you the best


Whilst not entirely related to the thread, let me tell you of the only place on the internets that will lie to you about English language, traditions, customs and stuffs.

Oh yes, we have many stuffs:

Come for the comedy, stay for the hilarity.

Guy Armitage

Love your blog swiss miss, added you to my feed :D...hope you're enjoying NY...cold here in Geneva!


Good day!

Although not exactly relating to the thread please allow me, dear friend, to tell you of the newest home of British comedy on the online.

English For Dirty Foreigners is the only show on the internets that will lie to you outrightly about British language, traditions, customs and stuffs.
Oh yes, we have many stuffs.


Come for the comedy.
Stay for the hilarity.

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