
My name is Tina Roth Eisenberg. I am a 'swiss designer gone NYC'. swissmiss is my visual archive of things that 'make me look'. I am a graphic designer and run my own studio in Brooklyn. Contact me if you would like to team up, have a link suggestion or just want to say hello: submissions {at} swiss-miss.com.


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ok... there is WAY too much "hey, lets PANTONE-ize common,everyday objects and then bask in our perceived cleverness!" going on.

Randy Ludacer

Maybe so, but this looks damn nice and I wouldn't mind having a clock like this on my wall as a decorative object, although telling the precise time might be sort of difficult...


Tian Harlan did this with the Chromachron in the 70s, I'm assuming its a "homage"...


what decided where 12 o'clock was on the color wheel?

does it match up with Chromo(tm)?

Jeffrey Tribe

Pantone reference 012 (yellow) determined that it appeared at 12 o'clock. There is no reference to Chromo/Chromachron.


I'm no artist, but this clock is beautiful and I would love to buy one! :-D


I would note that the same color scheme works very nicely for the year.

I had this idea a while ago, and was amazed to discover there were 24-hour clock mechanisms out there. But I never built one.

I also mapped music's circle of fifths to the color wheel, with C at yellow, G at orange-yellow, etc. If you gave your clock a corresponding set of chimes, those with perfect pitch would always know the hour....

I also had the idea of using the old kind of drop-leaf digital clocks for this purpose. And then I thought about putting little paintings on each leaf.

Too many ideas, too little time.

Well, let me know if these are ever for sale.

Shawn Terpack

It reminds me of a concept I did for a design challenge earlier this year...



Reminds me of the 'Colour-Time' watches and clocks by Tian Harlan in the 70's 80's.


I think this is an excellent piece of design. I would love to have one if it was ever made into a working clock! I find it hysterical that some people can be so critical (some of the comments above)...probably just jealous that they didn't come up with the idea themselves.

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