
My name is Tina Roth Eisenberg. I am a 'swiss designer gone NYC'. swissmiss is my visual archive of things that 'make me look'. I am a graphic designer and run my own studio in Brooklyn. Contact me if you would like to team up, have a link suggestion or just want to say hello: submissions {at} swiss-miss.com.


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Karl Tiedemann

After this presentation, David Art Wales from Ministry of Culture presented on one of their 'top secret' ventures that he had us verbally swear not to reveal. The tech guys running the presentations, however, just completely slaughtered it for him. David is such a gracious guy, but it was brutal. He made the most of it, while we were all inexplicably treated to You Tube videos of Ultimate frisbee competitions that the tech guy had been zoning out to while David was floundering on stage. Tekserve Rentals = fail.


Chloe rocks :D

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