
My name is Tina Roth Eisenberg. I am a 'swiss designer gone NYC'. swissmiss is my visual archive of things that 'make me look'. I am a graphic designer and run my own studio in Brooklyn. Contact me if you would like to team up, have a link suggestion or just want to say hello: submissions {at} swiss-miss.com.


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Ooh, that reminds me of Quadro (www.quadro.de). I used to build huge castles with that when I was younger :)

Tim Lettany

USM for tha kids ....!!!!


Oh man! So simple and so brilliant!

andy cochrane

Man I would have loved this growing up.


I cant imagine any child being disappointed!! As a parent, I'm glad they are no longer pulling the couch apart to make their forts. I dont regret making this purchase at all!!


How cool would it be as a kid if your parent just installed jumbo eye bolts at various places around your room. You could redesign a fort daily. Just sayin.


Does anyone know if I can get this in Belgium? None of the resellers on the Crazy Forts site will ship to Europe (grrr)


What a great idea! I just ordered a set online for my son for Christmas, is one set enough or should I order another?

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