
My name is Tina Roth Eisenberg. I am a 'swiss designer gone NYC'. swissmiss is my visual archive of things that 'make me look'. I am a graphic designer and run my own studio in Brooklyn. Contact me if you would like to team up, have a link suggestion or just want to say hello: submissions {at} swiss-miss.com.


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"Store in refrigerator as it spoils in hot weather."

Not a fun summer time activity, eh?


If I could find corn flour this would be a great way to spend part of a free morning.

Mika's daddy

Cooool Tina, Danke!!!
s'Freut uns

btw, we actually used cornstarch!
Didn't really know or find cornflour as in the recipe. Still worked out great!

Ohh and Happy Valentines day!!


Anyone have any good alternatives to food coloring to get the nice colors? My 4 year old is allergic to the them (and the gluten in wheat too, but I can work around that!)


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