
My name is Tina Roth Eisenberg. I am a 'swiss designer gone NYC'. swissmiss is my visual archive of things that 'make me look'. I am a graphic designer and run my own studio in Brooklyn. Contact me if you would like to team up, have a link suggestion or just want to say hello: submissions {at} swiss-miss.com.


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Jarbas Gomes

It's great that typographic experiments... There are no matter impossible to build type designs! Congratulations for the blog.


I can't say I like it from an aesthetical point of view, but I find it useful :-)

Bruno Nagel

hut up !

Bruno Nagel

hut up !

Peter John van de Riet

Thank you for posting this.
I accidentally came across it when googling "typography" for inspiration.
I was pleasantly surprised to see something I had made. Its crappy but I forgot the other names of the people who I did this workshop with. I hope they discover it too.

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