
My name is Tina Roth Eisenberg. I am a 'swiss designer gone NYC'. swissmiss is my visual archive of things that 'make me look'. I am a graphic designer and run my own studio in Brooklyn. Contact me if you would like to team up, have a link suggestion or just want to say hello: submissions {at} swiss-miss.com.


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Prescott Perez-Fox

Why didn't someone invent this sooner! This seems like something so logical it would have been around since the Romans. I wonder how sturdy it is — then again, babies don't weigh more than a few pounds.



sarah damm

this makes me want a baby!

sarah damm

this makes me want a baby!

Myf Nixon

That is utterly gorgeous. I wonder if you could use it for anything else once baby has grown up a bit.


is this avaliable to buy does anyone know or is this a pro/type,would be greatful for more info
[email protected]
kat x


I would like to get one if possible, i'll be mummy in February and i would have this for then, could you send me info about'
Many thanks,


where can i buy "Culla Belly" ? i Need it !! i love It !!


where can i buy CULLA BELLY ??

Where can I buy a

I live in New Zealand, I'd be very interested to know where or how to buy one of these and how much?


I from Chile, Where can i buy "Culla Belly"?


If anyone knows where to purchase this, please let me know! [email protected]


I live in Portugal and i would like to know where I can buy the culla belly.
Thank You


This is a beautiful piece. I see alot of requests for it add me to that list. Where is it available???????

Petra Reger

HI, I live in Germany and would like to know where to buy the "Culla Bella". Love your blog!


kyra hartnett

please tell me when this is available. it is perfect!!!


Looking for more information on how it is secured to the parent bed? Also I have a very thick mattress, what thickness mattresses does it work with?

Otherwise it looks like it would work wonderfully for what we need. Our Dear Daughter of 2 years still sleeps with us and I don't see that changing in the next 3+ months.

Christine in Central Massachusetts, USA


I live in Italy, can you tell me where I can buy it, please?


This is a great idea. Mothers will love it.

Sabine Schaetzler

this is really cool. I am from Germany,
where can I buy it and how much does it cost?


Tanya Hamersfeld

We would like to purchase - where can we get it from?


I love this - its just wonderful. I wish i had this when my little one was a baby. I would have been able to sleep better and not worrying that i might roll on to him when he slept in the middle of our bed sometimes.

Katy Chan

I would like to get one if possible, I'll be mummy in Sept. Is it possible to find in Hong Kong? Could you send me info about this? Many thanks.


I would love this for our dog that we can't get to sleep on his pillow.


I am from Hong Kong, and really want to buy this product. Where can I buy it and how much of it??
Grateful if you could send me more info about it....many thx!!!


I really want to buy this product
can anyone tell me where can I find and how much is!!

carolina suarez

ideal per il neonato e la madre, como faccio per comprarla

vlora camaj

I live in NY, can you please let me know where can I buy this. Many thanks.

Lisa Murray

I live in Melbourne, Australia and will be a Mum in March 2009. I LOVE this product, is it available for purchase? Where can I find it and how much is it?? Please send me some information, it's a really beautiful design, and it's RED - !!

Jacky Soderberg

Where an the Culla Belly be purchased in Canada.? specifically Saskatchewan or Alberta


where can I purchase this item? Its a wonderful idea for someone with a small bedroom please send me information on it. thanks

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